BONUS SHEBA Information Portal online!
The BONUS SHEBA information and dissemination portal has been set up to provide for those interested in the shipping and environment topic an overview on the BONUS SHEBA foci along with selected results presented in form of storylines and spotlights.
Please click the followig links for accessing:
BONUS SHEBA Information Portal
Final Report and BONUS SHEBA project summary available!
The BONUS SHEBA project has ended its 40 months of duration in July and is now finalising its final reporting and scientific publications. As a central deliverable the project published its
Final Report and the Project Summary .
In addition, the BONUS SHEBA Project Film (external YouTube link) has been made publicly available to interested stakeholders.
The main goal of the project has been a holistic assessment of ecological, economic and societal impacts of operational shipping on the environment of the Baltic Sea region.
Please click the followig links for accessing:
BONUS SHEBA/SOLAS Shipping Conference - 24 & 25 October 2017 in Gothenburg
An international conference on scientific findings on impacts of shipping on environment and their application in policy, marine spatial planning and the maritime transport sector is jointly organised by the Bonus project SHEBA and by the International Surface Ocean – Lower Atmosphere Study (SOLAS). Please click the followig link for visiting the conference website
Please click the followig link for 2nd Announcement and Call for Abstracts SHEBA Conference 'Shipping and Environment' (548 KB)
Stakeholder meeting at Tallinn University
The last SHEBA stakeholder meeting took place at Tallinn University, Tallinn (12 October 2016). Please check the following link for further information about the programme and some lectures.
BONUS shipping cluster outreach and sailing campaign in summer 2016
BONUS shipping cluster organised panel discussion, 3 July 2016. Photo: Stjepan Budimir
During the summer months of June and July 2016, the BONUS SHEBA project organised a combined measurement and outreach campaign on a research sailing ship Hrimfare of Ranrike.
Click for reading the complete news on
Seminar: Towards cleaner and safer shipping in the Baltic Sea
Experts from BONUS projects invite Swedish politicians and representatives of authorities and industry for a discussion on how citizens, boat owners, harbour operators, shipping partners, authorities and politicians can help to decrease undesired environmental impact caused by shipping and boating in the Baltic sea.
Sheba BONUS programme to become flagship research project
The IVL-coordinated BONUS Sheba Project has been designated flagship project within the EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region and will thus achieve wider policy impact.
New publication: Shipping and the Environment
Improving Environmental Performance in Marine Transportation
Andersson, K., Brynolf, S., Lindgren, J.F., Wilewska-Bien, M. (Eds.)