WP 5 Assessments and Policy
Work Package 5 ‘Assessments and Policy’ will evaluate technology and policy options to reduce pressures and impacts from shipping and harbours in the Baltic Sea. As a first step, it will develop an analytical framework to assess shipping and harbor activities in the Baltic Sea region. This will include an integrated (ecological, economic, and social) assessment of policy options to mitigate pressures linked to shipping. The framework will then be used to determine how environmental pressures in the Baltic caused by shipping activities may change the provision of marine ecosystem services over time and under different future scenarios, including a business as usual scenario.
Furthermore, this work will assess policy options in relation to key EU policy objectives stemming from the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD) and Water Framework Directive (WFD). This will include an analysis of trade-offs and synergies between various policy options to reduce environmental pressures from shipping and support the achievement of EU policy goals. The assessment will also include an analysis of the economic and societal effects of identified alternatives for shipping to comply with environmental regulations.